Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blew my mind: IC1396

Here is the IC1396 Nebula.  Its 100 light-years across and about 2,400 light-years away from earth.  Just watch it for a bit.  Is your jaw on the floor yet?
IC1396 Nebula
An astrophotographer took several pictures of the area, set them up in layers then made a good guess as to what this nebula looks like.  I really don't care how close it is.  This is mind-blowingly awesome!
Here is the link to the article with a lot of stellar pictures!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FXI. The worlds smallest computer matters.

 I haven't posted anything in a while.  I plan on post a lot more about da Vinci kind of soon.  Also some lectures that I was blessed to hear while at college last month... simply amazing.

Here is a new product that was at CES this year and is now available for pre-sale.  It is literally a thumb drive computer!  Powered by android, it is a little computer that plugs into any screen.  Check it out!