Friday, July 22, 2011

PREZI: the new way to present

While in my junior year at college, I was in a Shakespeare class because I thought I would like it and would be very different from my mostly math and science based classes within my Civil Engineering major.  The class was set up so there were seven groups and each group was assigned a play.  Each person in the group would then choose a question to answer in a presentation.  I saw a fellow student use a "Prezi".  I'd heard of it before but this was the first time I had seen it.  I then decided to give my presentation using the same online software.  My group was assigned the play Timon of Athens, a masterpiece written towards the end of Shakespeare's career.  I presented on how history influenced the play Timon of Athens.

My second Prezi that I made was for technical presentation in an engineering competition known as Concrete Canoe.   It went well and our team got 2nd in that competition.  As a school was got 4th overall in our region.

Its a great alternative to Power Point especially if you have group presentation.  The remote group live editing is wonderfully amazing.  Its a new look and will keep the crowd interested for the entire presentation.  And showing an overview or answering questions with the Prezi itself is easy.  No more looking for the right slide to show because the whole thing is on one slide in the first place.

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